Red Rose Tribute
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Sympathy is best expressed with a gesture than trying to convey it in words. Not always can we find the right words to comfort someone or even ourselves. And when it comes to paying tribute to someone deceased then naturally, words are not going to work. At times like those, this bouquet works the best.

The “Red Rose Tribute” flower arrangement contains red roses with assorted greens in a white urn.

The Red Rose often stands for love. But in this bouquet these deep Red Roses also symbolize grief. And that the Green color symbolizes tranquillity, spirituality and peace. This flower arrangement because of its symbolism comes out as the best thing when you want to pay tribute to your loved one.

Since we place the utmost importance on using only fresh and the best quality flowers in all our flower bouquets and floral arrangements, based on availability, the actual product design, colours, varieties, and container may vary slightly from the picture shown above. Please place your order a few days in advance to ensure we have or can get the product.

Red Rose Tribute



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